Pet owners may be some of the happiest people on earth, but their carpets certainly are not. And even though our little furry friends do their best, they sometimes make mistakes. It's OK, we all do.
Sunbird Carpet Cleaning of Bronx is a pet-friendly and family-oriented service provider and that is why we have dedicated energy to creating a special Pet Package geared for pet parents dealing with pet accidents.
Due to the biological nature of pet stains, they cannot be cleaned up with general household cleaning products. This is especially true when a pet stain occurs on carpets and upholstery because cleaning solutions react differently to different kinds of fiber types.
Our cleaning products contain balanced enzymes that breakdown animal stain appearances and odors. The odors must be removed for your benefit, any house guests benefit, and also because an animal can easily smell over ineffective cleaning agents if they wish to remark their territory.
We know you don't mind a little bit of pet hair and dander, and neither do we. We do, however, know that too much hair and dander can be irritating for those who are allergic or for anyone suffering from low immune systems. Steam cleaning, our standard carpet cleaning method, is an excellent way to get rid of pet dander in your carpets and your upholstery. While this method does not remove pet stains, it does nicely fit with pet stain removal and can be carried out at the same time.
Don't let your pet stains sit too long, it will cost you in the end! Call us at 718-701-2162 today!