On the home page, we discussed how carpet cleaning and air duct cleaning are two very effective and affordable methods for purifying your indoor air. We also mentioned sick building syndrome, which is a diagnosis given when there is an absence of any medical explanation for the flu-like symptoms one constantly experiences in a particular space.
Sick building syndrome is basically a situation where a building or any enclosed space lacks proper ventilation and as a consequence, various bacterial and chemical particles remain floating in the air. The most common symptom is a runny and itchy nose, however, school children also display various other flu-like symptoms, like fatigue and nausea.
When a forced air system is contaminated with cleaning product fumes, new carpet fumes, exhaled carbon dioxide, mold or any other kind of fungi, a high functioning system will simply ventilate out these harmful particles and circulate the ventilated air. When a system is compromised, however, either due to damage or poor maintenance, the circulated air does not pass through the ventilation stage and your lungs breathe in non purified air. Unpurified air is common outdoors, but most people assume that indoor air is a safer, less allergy inducing air. Not surprisingly, the potential dangers of indoor air are often shocking to the average Joe.
Sick building syndrome is mostly found in older renovated buildings for two reasons:
Air duct inspection is a quick and practical way to check the cleanliness level of your heating and cooling systems. And, conveniently, Sunbird Carpet Cleaning of Bronx offers free phone estimates 718-701-2162. If our techs discover that your air ducts are working sub par, then you can easily schedule a cleaning session with any cleaning service provider in the neighborhood. With Sunbird Carpet Cleaning of Bronx, this would begin with vacuuming unwanted dust and dander off your air duct vents and within the system itself. This is the most basic and nonintrusive method for air duct cleaning and generally offers the health relief our customers are looking for.
More acute and directed cleaning is also available with any of our cleaning techs. For more information on this or any of our other services or about our free estimates, contact our customer service representatives today!